The Golang News mobile app

tl;dr I wrote a Golang news aggregator mobile app, I open sourced it. If you use Android, you can get the app.

It is no secret that I am a huge fan of the Go language! Go has proved to be a very reliable partner in my projects, whether the project in question is personal or professional.

One of my favorite sources of up to date news about Go, is a website called golang news , which I have been following for years. The site is being maintained by Kenny Grant. His work on that project is

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Introducing Mastering Golang Programming

For the past year, I had worked really hard with Packt publishing on building an advanced video course about the Go language called “Mastering Go Programming“. Mastering Golang Programming is an extensive video course on the world of the Go language. The Go programming language is considered by many as a phenomenal disruptive technology despite it’s young age. A game changer when it comes to building powerful software products. Since it’s inception, Go had grown in popularity dramatically, becoming the TIOBE programming index 2016 language of the year winner.  

The course provides a unique combination of covering deep … Read more

Implementing UDP vs TCP in Golang

Go is known to be a very capable systems programming language. Programmers enjoy it’s simplicity, ease of deployment, and performance when writing backend services. A key feature in any backend software service is networking communications. There are numerous application level protocols by which software can communicate over a network. Underneath the great majority of these protocols lie either TCP or UDP. In this article, we’ll talk about the code involved in implementing UDP vs TCP in Golang. Let’s get started.

TCP in go

TCP’s support in Go is covered quite well in numerous articles and resources. Obviously, TCP is … Read more

Concurrency in Golang

Yesterday, I answered a question in Quora about the concurrency model in Go. Now, I feel like I want to say more!! Concurrency in Golang is one of the most powerful features in the language. Numerous folks covered the topic, ranging in their takes from very simple to overly complicated. Today, it’s my turn to give my two cents.

Concurrency in Golang is a way of thinking more than just syntax. In order to harness the power of Go , you need to first understand how Go approaches concurrent execution of code. Go relies on a concurrency model called CSP … Read more

How to build a Modbus driver in Go?

This article serves as a practical guide into how to build a Modbus driver. I use the Go (Golang) programming language because I like it . However, the principles outlined should apply to any stack.

I happen to be a software engineer who works in SCADA. What does that mean?  it means that a lot of my days involve making various pieces of complex software work in harmony with industrial devices like one big happy family. In order to make software talk to industrial devices, we use protocols that both the devices and the software can understand. Some protocols … Read more

A Class Factory in Golang (Google Go)

Do you know what a class factory is and why is it useful?  Ever considered implementing a class factory in Golang (Google Go) even though Go is not considered fully object oriented in nature? Are you curious about some awesome features in Go other than it’s impressive concurrency capabilities? If any of the these questions interests you, then reading on may be worth your while. This article covers implementing the factory design pattern in Go.

If that’s not your first time visiting my site, then you probably know by now that the Go programming language is a personal favorite … Read more