
“And the two shall become one flesh; so they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”



I am gonna tell you a little story ………..

One day, there was a guy attending sunday prayers at a church in California…

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Right before he was about to leave, he came across a very cute girl …..

cute girl look

It turned out the cute girl was trying to roll a carpet …. 



The guy decided that the super cute girl needs help, he offered to help her. She said she doesn’t need help!!!!

exclamation point

The guy didn’t care and decided to help anyways…… 


The girl gave the guy the most amazing smile he had ever seen in his life, a smile that moves hearts …

heart 2

The guy realized that the girl can melt mountains with her amazing smile …. 

Don’t believe me?  judge for yourself 

kiko smiles


And the rest is history ……..

Mina decided to marry Cathy who turned out to be the most amazing, the most kind, the most cute,  the most loving , the most angelic , the most sweet girl 

Kiko gameela …

kiko gameels

Kiko Sha2eya …

kiko sha2eya

Kiko hdeyeti men rabena…


Kiko malaki elra2ee2…

kiko malaki elra2ee2

Kiko 2om el3yal to be ….. 


Happy birthday to my sweet angel


God bless you always….